Day 12!  

Posted by Shannon & Lindsay

Well I've kept my child alive for 12 days so I figure I'm doing something right. However, I'm always afraid I overfeed her. Once I had a pet fire newt name Phil and I swore his food said I should feed him 3 times a day, so I did - turns out it was 3 times a week :( Needless to say, thanks to me, and my inability to read instructions efficiently, poor Phil the Fire Newt didn't last very long (may he rest in peace). So, hopefully I don't wake up to find my child floating at the top of her crib due to an excess of nutrients.

We were able to get out and go to a movie last night though - Grandma more than willingly babysat . It was nice to get out of the house - I was getting cabin fever bad! It's crazy how long it takes to leave my house now. I can't just up and go but I guess I better get used to it :)

Hopefully soon I can start exercising again - I signed up for a mini triathlon in the middle of April but thanks to the c-section I doubt I'll be able to do it - oh well, what do you do. I've already lost half of what I gained being pregnant though but I want to get the rest off as quickly as possible. I'm sick of not being able to fit into any of my clothes - even the ones that were too big before I got pregnant :( And hopefully my incision fully heals soon - it's still really sensitive - so I can wear some jeans or something. I'm sick of wearing pajama pants but anything that puts any pressure on my incision is not appreciated.

Here are some more pics of my wee lass. I just can't stop taking pictures of her - she's too cute!

This entry was posted on Sunday, March 16, 2008 at 2:41 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Yay for more pictures and for getting out of the house! Boo to c-section incisions and pregnancy weight.
She's a cutie! I want to see her sometime!

March 17, 2008 at 7:10 AM

She is SO dang cute! I'm glad your putting pictures up so I can see her!!

March 17, 2008 at 8:35 AM

She is such a doll. Let me know when you are ready to get together!

March 18, 2008 at 1:34 PM

Tell Lindsay I will see her Thursday night!

March 18, 2008 at 8:33 PM

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