Happy Thanksgiving  

Posted by Shannon & Lindsay

We had a great and relaxing Thanksgiving - well, at least Lindsay and I did. Jeremy got really sick and was out of commission pretty much all weekend. He took off Wednesday and Friday in hopes that he might be able to do some much needed resting but ended up with a really bad cold and was good friends with NyQuil all weekend. He's getting better but it was no fun for him to be sick on the one long weekend he got in a long while :(

Darren, Tracy, and Kelly drove down from up north and we were all able to hang out for a few days which was really nice. It's been a while since all 5 of us have been together so it was lots of fun to just sit around, reminisce, and make fun of each other like we always do. We wouldn't be Seegmillers if we didn't make jokes about each other :) Lindsay got to see everyone together and had a blast playing with Uncle Darren, not cuddling Aunt Tracy, trying to chase after an indifferent Rudy (my parent's dog) and showing everyone what an entertaining busybody she is. She's into imitating what everyone does and her thing now is to fake cough - so all weekend everyone would fake cough and she'd do it right back.

Lindsay & Aunt Tracy

Lindsay & Aunt Kelly (All the toys in the background are compliments of Hurricane Lindsay)

Tracy had been taking some cake decorating classes up in Provo so she and I made a cake while she was down and we decorated it together. It was supposed to say "Happy Wrong Number By the Sea" (a Saved by the Bell reference) but there wasn't enough room so I just made it say "Happy Sea Day" - I know, we're nerds.

The fish I iced look a little strange!

Teacher and student!

We had Thanksgiving dinner at my parents house and then had another Thanksgiving on Friday at Jeremy's sister's house with her and his parents - an extra helping of turkey and stuffing is never a bad thing! Lindsay tried yams, stuffing, bits of turkey, and some cranberry salad which elicited her sour face - squinted eyes and puckered lips. I'm sure they all tasted better than bland old carrots or peas, though - I bet they get old real quick.

The whole family together!

Poor Lindsay was so tired at Aunt Abi's while we were waiting for the turkey to get done that she actually fell asleep in my arms - a rare occurrence - and slept for a bit.

Sleepy child!

We also went to Santa's Workshop at the Dixie Center on Saturday and Grandma bought Lindsay some cute bows for her hair. I wasn't ever into the big bows that most Moms put in little girls hair because I swear it's like they birthed a bow with a baby attached and those huge flowers make it look like the poor child has been working the mines wearing one of those flashlight hard hats! But since Lindsay's head is bigger and she's got more hair the bows looked REALLY cute. Maybe people will stop saying, "Hey Buddy" or "Big Guy" when they see her. I know it's hard to tell the difference when they're little...but come on :)

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!
It was a great weekend and a great time to remember everything that we have in our lives to be thankful for. With the economy struggling the way it is, I think we all have reason to humble ourselves and take time to recognize just how lucky we are just to have life's necessities - homes, jobs, food, clothing - many things that so many people are currently going without. I know I may gripe about my husband's late work hours but I am grateful for the job that he has that keeps a roof over our head and food on our table. I may open the pantry and complain that there isn't anything good to eat but I am grateful for the fact that I have food in there. I may wish that I had more storage room in my house but I'm thankful that I even have a house in which to store stuff :) I hope everyone took time out to give thanks for life's great blessings! Happy Thanksgiving to all! Let the holiday season begin!

This entry was posted on Sunday, November 30, 2008 at 6:26 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


I am thankful that I don't have to berate or bully Tracy any longer. I am now able to view her blog. Love the cake:) I might have to call Duff and his gang at Ace of Cakes to make you a new hire.

December 1, 2008 at 4:03 PM

Yah, except Tracy needs to update!
Kelly has dark hair? She looks so different. The cake does look good, I'm impressed.

December 1, 2008 at 8:02 PM

I cannot believe you posted that picture of me post-surgery. I look ridiculous! Hopefully I can get my act together soon and update the blog :)

December 2, 2008 at 7:09 PM

Glad you could all get together for Thanksgiving! She is super cute in that bow!

December 2, 2008 at 7:19 PM

Your cake is hilarious. I always wondered why Jessie Spano had a band aid on her knee the whole time they were at the country club. Oh silly Mr. Krarosi...I know I spelled that wrong. LOL

December 3, 2008 at 3:22 PM

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