Posted by Shannon & Lindsay


I am...
physically exhausted - and usually by 4 in the afternoon. I don't know how I make it to ten o'clock each evening. Purely by the grace of God I guess :)

I'd like to think...
that one day I'll get everything done in one day that I put on my to-do list. I must be too optimistic because it never ever happens. (I might have a chance if i just didn't put laundry on the list)

I've become...
obsessed with toned arms. Before LJ I had really nice toned arms. Now, I refer to my upper appendages as "mom arms." I'm not asking for Jennifer Anistons's arms - just a little less flab, you know?

I think...
Too much. It's hard to shut my brain off at night. Sometimes I name things from each letter of the alphabet so that maybe I might get tired. Afghanistan, Beirut, Canada, Denmark, etc. I know, I'm weird....

I know...
What people REALLY mean when they say something. I have a keen ability to read between the lines.

I want..
To stop watching Vh1 reality shows, I really do. But they make it so hard!! Rock of Love, I Love New York, Real Chance of Love, I Love Money.....somebody please stop the insanity!

I have...
The cutest kid. Sometimes I look at her and think how much I pity any subsequent kids because there may not be any cute genes left :)

I like...
When it rains all day. That rarely happens here in dry ol' SG. We get morning teaser showers or late-night drizzles but a day long rain is a cause for celebration!

I wish ...
My dogs would quit digging holes in the backyard. THERE'S NOTHING UNDER THERE BUT MORE DIRT!!!!!

I hate...
When people don't reach freeway speed at the end of the on ramp. And by people I mean the elderly. And by the elderly I mean those people who should have had their license revoked 4 presidents ago.

I miss...
Doing whatever I want, whenever I want. Spontaneity is a word long since gone :(

I fear...
That our next president is going to screw things up even worse for our country. And considering our two choices are both complete idiots - my fear will most likely become a reality. Maybe I should write myself in on the ballot - or SpongeBob :)

I hear...
Snoring. It must be contagious in my house. Jeremy, the pups, my congested child.

I smell....
The orange chocolate cupcakes I made with the tops that caved in and are now completely useless.

I love...
SCHADENFREUDE!!! (pronounced SHAW-den-Froyd) It's my most favorite word in the world. It means the feeling you get when someone you dislike gets their just desserts. We all know that feeling - don't deny it!

I don't always...
Wash my hair. And I don't care one bit. I could spend an hour getting ready during naptime or ponytail it and have a bit of time to myself. The ponytail wins every time :)

I win...
At Scrabble. Always. Unless I LET someone else win. I once spelled THORAX on a triple word score - please, no applause. (Note - it did not say "I Win without cheating")

I lose...
My keys at least once a day. Everyone says, "Why don't you get a big key ring to put your keys on?" Well, probably cuz I'd lose that too. I'd probably lose my keys even if I had to attach it to a garbage can lid like they do at convenient stores.

I never...
Will like olives or mushrooms. I just won't. Olives remind me of stinkbugs and mushrooms are a fungus people! I can handle them on pizzas, but when I see someone eating one or the other simply because they enjoy the taste I almost gag.

I listen...
To audiobooks while I work out. It makes it easier to concentrate on listening to a story rather than on how much I want to quit and just go eat a cookie and watch Vh1

I am scared of...
Haunted Houses. I refuse to go to them ever since I was emotionally traumatized as a child when going through one I was chased by a guy with a chainsaw - I had no idea it wasn't real! I have since been classically conditioned to immediately cry upon the sound of the chainsaw.

I read...
Anything and everything. I'm never NOT reading something.

I...tag anyone and everyone.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 7:50 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


You totally got me on the 2 words in my 1 word tag. Geez. I see you like VH1, do you watch the Paris Hilton show?

October 29, 2008 at 3:46 PM

Hey Linda if you see this comment, I'd love to see your blog too! my email is

October 29, 2008 at 7:37 PM

are you bringing LJ to the office tomorrow? she is the cutest little red riding hood EVER!!! i'm crazy, i know....but oh well. have you watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall? we just watched it and it is hilarious!!!

October 30, 2008 at 8:06 PM

so i feel like i am really a stalker now...i love that book thing you just put on! have you already read one fifth avenue by candace bushnell? and you read twilight? ok, so i feel like you are going to report me to the comment police, but i love talking about books and stuff!!!

October 30, 2008 at 8:26 PM

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