Milestones and Movies!  

Posted by Shannon & Lindsay

Lindsay's been trying to take some steps here and there using her little walker/scooter for the last couple weeks but just the other day she stood up and walked/stumbled across the room using it! She loves playing with it now (she was rather indifferent when first presented with it). She teeters with it, falls over it, and sometimes pushes it way to fast for her little legs to know what to do, but she sure keeps trying!
I was able to get a little video of her pushing her way across the room - looking like a wobbly baby deer.

We were also able to go and see Twilight on Saturday morning with Jeremy's company. They rented out the theater for everyone so it was a lot of fun! Santa made a surprise appearance and Lindsay was able to have her first encounter with the jolly fat guy. She was not impressed. She's not a big fan of men she doesn't know - which is probably a good thing :) - and didn't care to be held for long. He didn't bring his bag of toys, so I'd feel the same way :)

Fortunately for me, Alyshia babysat her during the movie so that I didn't have to deal with a squirming child for two hours - and apparently she napped the ENTIRE time I was gone! I don't know what it is but she can sleep for hours in strange cribs but when I lay her down at home she's refreshed and ready to go again after a half hour power nap.

Where's the toys?

Seriously though, you said there'd be toys!

I really liked Twilight - I can't say I loved it - but I thought they did a really good job. It's hard when you see the first movie of a series because at the end you still feel cheated - like you're left hanging and with something missing. I still had issues with Bella (which I guess means Kristen Stewart correctly portrayed her insecure, codependent, and uncoordinated character), but Robert Pattison was great as Edward! I liked him much better with an American accent than I did as Cedric Diggory with his normal British accent. Here are the things I liked/disliked about the movie:


  • The Cullen's Makeup: They still appeared human, but had a very different look that wasn't off-putting, but very appealing :)
  • James: I loved him as Kevin Volchok on The O.C. and I loved him in this. He's just easy on the eyes, even dirty-looking and sadistically homicidal.
  • The Scenery: I've always wanted to go where it rains all the time (a severe lack will do that to you, I guess) and the mountains, trees, rain, clouds made me REALLY want to go!
  • The S.....L.......O......W kiss: I think everyone was just on the edge of their seats during the whole minute Edward took to finally kiss Bella. I just wanted to grab their heads and push them together :) I think they'll be a shoo-in for the MTV Movie Awards BEST KISS.


  • Edward's Piano Playing: I wish they would have shown him playing more. He only played a brief bit of something that wasn't even identified as "Bella's Song". There's nothing hotter than a guy who can play the piano - so more of that would have made me happy.
  • Hairy Edward: If I remember correctly, in the book Edward's skin was continually referred to as "like marble" and last I checked, marble was hairless - which Edward was not. A nice wax would have done some good - or at least a turtleneck :)
  • Rosalie's Wig: I wanted to rip it right off. It just didn't look real at all. Maybe she should turn on QVC and invest in some HairDo extensions from Jessica Simpson's line - I hear they're on sale :)

All in all, it was a good, entertaining show that stayed true to the book. Plus I ate Milk Duds while watching so that made it even better. Milk Duds + Anything = A Good Time.

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 6:41 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


I am so sad I only saw you for a brief snippet of time. Let me get a kleenex to dry my eyes....Ok. So, I have changed my Christmas wish list to include Edward Cullen. I think he looked fabulous, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I would not kick him out of bed for eating crackers and getting crumbs in the sheet. YUM! Ok, anyway, I guess I should get my wee one in the bath and bed. Hope to see you sometime soon (as long as you stop by the office before 3) :). Also, congrats to Lindsay for making her way around! She is soooo dang cute!

November 22, 2008 at 7:48 PM

I can't believe she's walking. I think I say that with every milestone that you blog about that Adam isn't even close to doing. What a big girl!

That Santa looks like a nice Santa and not a creepy fake beard one.

I thought about you today and how we used to line pinecones up in the street and wait for cars to run over them.

November 22, 2008 at 11:25 PM

Lindsay's first Christmas, how fun! Oh, and I would have to agree with you on Edward. :)

November 25, 2008 at 12:00 PM

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