God Bless Us Everyone!  

Posted by Shannon & Lindsay

Yay Christmas is here - and extra YAY that it is over! I know, I know - how Ebenezer of me but the Holiday season is just as hectic as it is fun. I feel like the excitement of the Holidays builds up and then a few days before Christmas gets here I'm like, "Ok let's get this bad boy done!" This Christmas was a lot more fun for everyone now that there's a little kid in the mix so opening presents and the whole "Santa" thing is going to be fun to start again. I remember being so excited to see what Santa brought me that we kids could barely contain ourselves until 6 am. Now everyone wants ten more minutes to sleep before they drag themselves into the living room with their blankets and half snooze while pening gifts. I guess as you get older the "Holiday Spirit" takes a little bit longer to show up in the mornings.

We started out our Christmas with our annual family part at my Aunt Gayle's house. We've done it for ages and slowly as we've all gotten older, married, and had kids there's about a billion of us there. We're like the St. George Osmonds! Tracy and I decorated Christmas Tree cakes to bring for dessert and everyone ate til they could eat no more (especially me with the Sausage chowder - It's like manna from heaven) and then played the gift exchange game (I'm sure everyone knows that game). We get really into it since there's so many people - alliances even get formed (If you steal that present from me, I'll take that from him, etc...) It's all about strategy apparently. But once that present has been taken three times, it's out - THE TRIBE HAS SPOKEN :)

We had our own little Cobb Christmas early on Thursday morning and Lindsay got to open all her presents. I'd bought her some cute Christmas jammies and she looked adorable in it. We didn't go out all on her this year since she's still so little but she got some really cute things, including a stuffed rocking horse which we named him Captain Oats. She was so excited to ride on, fell off him, and then was deathly afraid of it for two days (they have since made peace). Then we went to Grandma Seegmiller's for opening presents and had a yummy Christmas breakfast. It was nice to have everyone down again and we had a lot of fun hanging out and playing Apples to Apples (I highly recommend it). Grandma & Grandpa Talbot came over on Friday with Aunt Abi, Kadi, and Brian and we had a Christmas lunch at our house and opened presents and hung out. LJ just loved Kadi and they had a lot of fun playing together.

It was a fun Christmas but I'm glad for it to be done. I took about a billion pictures so I just made a collage of my favorite ones that I took. I hope everyone's Christmas was fun and that Santa brought everyone what they wanted! Here's to the New Year!

I can't figure out how to make this bad boy bigger without screwing up the resolution so I guess just click on it to make it larger than life ;)

Can It Really Be True?  

Posted by Shannon & Lindsay

If you woke up this morning, looked out your window and saw this:

Or opened your newspaper to the following article:

It's because........................
It's been a long time coming but I'm proud to say that I finally am done with school. I won't actually be able to walk until June as that is the only commencement ceremony, but this semester has been my last, thankfully, and, ironically, the most trying even though I only had 6 credits. It was so difficult to run a house, raise a kid, and go to school all at the same time. I give props to all those parents who have multiple kids and full time jobs and still manage to get through school - I don't know how they do it. I'm not ashamed to brag and say that I'm proud of myself because for those of you who know me well know that there was a time in my life (What I call when I "took five years off of life") where college and my future were the last thing on my mind. My life decisions weren't so good, my judgment was impaired, and I made a lot of mistakes which ultimately cost me a lot - and in more ways than one. So to have been able to turn my life around, find a husband who treats me well, get sealed in the temple, have a beautiful baby, and now achieve something I've always wanted I don't feel self-centered or egotistical to give myself a fairly large pat on the back :) So, now when you meet me on the street, I'll shake your hand and say, Hello I'm Shannon Cobb, college graduate.

It's a Winter Miracle!  

Posted by Shannon & Lindsay

It's a snow day! Anyone who lives anywhere else in "The Greatest Snow on Earth" Utah would say, "Big deal, so what?" But for us St. Georgians, a day of snow - and snow that sticks! - is a rare occurence, and cause for a trip to the attic to pull out the mittens, scarves, and coats, not jackets, but COATS!

I put Lindsay in her cute snow outfit and we went out in the backyard for a few minutes. I would have liked to let her play in it but since she is anti-shoe and threw a tantrum when I tried to bring them near her, I wouldn't let her go play in it lest she get infant frost bite. I did, however, take some cute pictures of her on our swing in her hat, coat, mittens, and socks lol, and I made her eat a little bit - she didn't quite know what to make of it. I even taught her about snowballs, snowmen, and the do's and don't of snow consumption:


Maybe during next year's annual snow (as we usually only get one) she'll agree to some feet coverings and be allowed to play around in it. For now, she and her bare feet are missing out!

A Treasure Trove of Trash!  

Posted by Shannon & Lindsay

Today I was watching TV and apparently wasn't paying enough attention to my troublemaker child because all of a sudden I heard something hit the floor in the kitchen. I ran in there to find Lindsay in the kitchen happily digging for treasures through the trash can. She found the tin of formula I had thrown away earlier, pulled it out and somehow used the remnants as a facial mask.

I'm sure Baxter didn't help the situation
Maybe it's a good exfoliant :)